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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2016


IMPORTANCE OF PROGRAMMING Nowadays computers are very important for our lifes. Learning technology is useful for  your daily life and four your job. In the future the technology would be a very important thing and the more you know about programming more things you can do. If you learn programming you learn how computers work in a general way. And that would help you a lot. MY OPINION  I think that programming is necessary , we should understand how computers work in an easy and general way. In a future programming would become very important because it would help you in your daily life ,for example in your job. And now think for a moment, how do you spent most of the time? Looking at the mobile, searching and working with the computer...  So if you learn programming you would be able to understand how all these things work .  MY EXPERIENCE WITH SCRATCH I think scratch is an useful program because is easy to understand how it works and you can learn a lot by pla